Saturday, January 16, 2010

How much do you work out?

Just a random thought.

I used to be quite a skinny kid, back in the primary school/lower sec days... Even got into the school volleyball team for a while..
Training was tough, but it did make me strong and healthy. Then came the upper secondary days when I simply wasn't good enough for the team and got out of training... It started to snowball from there on... I got lazier, and somewhat hungrier as well I suppose. In the next 4 years, I put on so much weight a double chin appeared on two occasions!

Thankfully I'm now in the military, doing my 2-year Compulsory National Service. Training is even tougher than I've ever had, but I'm now at a satisfactory physique (yeah yeah... I'm still bad at running long distances but my overall strength is there!).

I still can't help but think about what might happen after i finish my service. Being the natural laze, I'm bound to shrink my exercise regime. In a few months, muscles are bound to shrink, the belly's bound to swell! Unless I do something about it of course...

Here's what I plan to do:

1. A 30-minute run followed by some static exercises every weekend
2. Big dinners are limited to once a week
3. Buffet trips are limited to once a month
4. Never overeat
5. Drink lotsa water (apparently it helps)

Sounds like a plan? It's not much but it's enough methinks...

What are YOU going to do about your body?

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