18 Oct 2008
After much planning and even more cock-ups (thanks ah), we've finally managed to get things going and headed out for our Hari Raya (green packet) rounding :) Due to the legal/graphic nature of our mode of transport, I'll just keep it that we teleported around =p And who did I teleport with? the same group of people that colours differently from me!

The day started off at 11:00am, or what was supposed. A certain someone needed extra time to get ready so we spent some time waiting right at his doorstep.

With prince Mubarak finally ready, we headed down to Wani's house for starters. It's the first time I've had coke in quite a while already... Oh well! Phosphoric Acid, wash it down!

Very nicely, I thought I should introduce the first couple of the day. Look! They're even in matching clothes!

Special thanks to Syafiq (AKA wrong by default) for the wonderful drop of extra handful of bee hoon, it really went a long way... Finishing the lot of carbs, we went on to Mubarak's place for some hotplate action and of course, more drinks!

We spent the longest time at Zuli's place as we had to wait for Prince Mubarak to finish attending to his massive swarm of guests, 2 huge groups of them. Of course, since we spent the most time there, I'd spam more photos here. Some credit goes to Zuli's cats handsome and kurbit for being such nice hosts :)

Lol Syafiq and Siswand ALAF-ing (Act Like A Fool)

When you're out of ideas, anything's good. We headed down to Mustafa's place. Unfortunately only the Higher-Malay people know him so it was kinda awkward for me to go in anyways... He's got a cute lil' brother who's crazy over Ben10 though.

Thus marks the end of the day, here're some photos that did not make it to the main body~