Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Originally uploaded by mysilentkaopei
Like a parrot that imitates the sound of another, an actor mimics the actions and mindset of others.

So I walk into the acting workshop with that in mind, set to put myself in the mind of another and let that mind take over.

As part of our homework, we were required to define 'imitation', 'real' and 'natural'.

It all seemed to stand together to me. Of course, I have yet to do my research so what I'm typing here are purely opinions.

By imitation, isn't acting in it's essence imitating another person? even if that person does not exist, he does live in our imagination and that's how interpretations come in. Well, if imitations of acts were to be put up, wouldn't that be an imitation of an imitation?

And by real, how convincing can it get? while reality tv is the in thing of entertainment now, how does one make reality of a fictitious environment then? even with the greatest actors around, i believe that the closest we can get to a reality would be a life-like act.

Natural acts find no difficulty in their expression. and a natural actor would usually produce a 'real' act.

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