How happy I am to have gone for the trip instead! The trip was filled with rare events!
1st up, a squirrel!

Next up, a monkey that looks like Sean!

And another monkey that has 2 tails! (i'm just joking...)

As we travelled further, we came across this skink giving a demo on how reptiles keep warm.

At the treetop walk, I tried to take some shots of this guy... Until someone walked over and said that we're not supposed to overtake, while he was overtaking me...

Another rare sight! A Bat sleeping in the open sun!

As we were walking back via the boardwalk. We came across a magnificent sight. A middle-aged lady tried to walk by the inner side of the path in an effort to avoide the snake, only to be greeted by a downpour of snake poop! Had i shot this earlier, You would be seeing a burst of poop instead of just the snake's ass... Still a rare sight, nonetheless...

*points to above*As I was shooting this, some people walked by. One of them stepped on this, totally oblivious to what it was!

Yes, it's half a rat.
Right before keeping my gear and heading out, I shot this. Sure, monkeys are very common there. But have you seen one doing this?

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