Saturday, September 26, 2009

After the rain...

After the rain

19th September 2009

Decided to crash Ming's macro shoot after seeing his status message on facebook. Was bored to death at home anyways and thought I haven't been shooting much. It was raining at that time, so the possibility of the shoot getting cancelled was there. Nevertheless, I headed down and to our luck, the rain had stopped by then. PERFECT MOMENT, I'd say. The remaining raindrops provide a pretty texture on stuff.

Nibbling Away
Right after the rain, things went back to normal. At least the backlog of things to do were clearing up. First up would definitely be feeding!

Spider Feasting All wrapped up

Some others were just busy minding their own business... Displaying the ultimate Tekong style of lepak-ing, staring into blank space...





I don't know what's it with spiders and macro photography... they just seem to match so easily... Like they were placed on this earth for macro photographers only hehe...

8 legged


Spider's Den

St. Andrew's Cross Spider

St. Andrew's Cross Spider

Black and White Spider

We didn't stay there for long though... the place was infested with mozzies and I realised that the SAF issued repellent, while it works wonders, also damages my gore-tex jacket...

Note: I'm making this post simply because I know that some of you don't even bother visiting My Flickr Account!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Guess who wrote to STOMP?

As much as I dislike the idea of ego-pumped netizens nit-picking the dumbest of things, I just had to write it!

Seeing how a middle aged man can so shamelessly attempt to get on the stage without knowing the answer or worst yet, having failed to do so for the last 3 years, I wonder if the notion about asian people valuing their 'face' still holds.

Link to the STOMP article

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I refuse to title this with a cliche "POP" wordplay

I refuse to give in to the temptation to title this post like everyone else, POP this or POP that. All the low-level wordplay is beyond me, bah!

Nonetheless, I'm still going to blog about my recent graduation parade. After all, it marks the end of our 24km march and on a larger scale, our basic military training.

I still remember giving my mom a 5minute crash course on DSLR operation right before leaving the house to book in one last time, and it brings a smile to my face when I find a few underexposed photos taken at home while i was gone...

Still, she did remember to bring the camera to the parade and I'm thankful for that!

The 24km route march almost took my life, or at least i felt that way. The first 12 kilometers were pretty fine, considering the fact that we've been "condi+*&^%$#@$%^&*(*&^%$#&*(*&^%#@#$" haha! Still, what followed was a series of grueling walks on rocky paths, muddy puddles and vegetation that swing back in your face. To top it up, 2 of the 3 remaining legs started right when I felt my bladder filling... Hmmm... Poor time management? Maybe. Lousy bladder? Maybe. Simply suay? Could be...

Stupid things happened, such as walking so fast we had to stop cuz others couldn't catch up and holding my pee so hard i couldn't go fast lest i pee in my pants.

Nonetheless, I am proud to say that I have completed the torturous route march, a 'rite of passage' of every National Service Enlistee, the first step we all young singaporean males take towards reality... That our NS life has only begun!

The Parade was great, a proud moment not only for me, but rather my mom... The funniest moment came when the announcer invited them to come over and put on our jockey caps(accent it please~) and my mom just kept on snapping away on the camera (she doesn't understand english). Immediately after seeing other parents walking over, she just sprinted over, snapping along the way... -.-"

still remember what someone said...

"Bruce, is that your mom? damn kiasu leh!"

here're some photos which my mom took

Marching in

Kekanan Lurus (form up based on the right?) command... I have no idea why the audience clapped to this...

Marching by, though I'm not in the shot but I thought that my mom took a pretty nice shot doncha think?

Mom took this before putting my cap on

Mom says I look badass in this...

Of all moments, Mom had to take this while I had my eyes closed... she even missed the cap throwing part!