Suddenly, all in one day, I dug up a few photos of my secondary school days... That's about more than 2 years ago! Back then, a large part of me has yet to surface yet. As you can see I wasn't that fat back then... ALRIGHT!!!! This will be my motivation to get back to old shaped Bruce!
The 1st 2 photos were taken while i was in secondary 4! It was during our Chinese New Year Eve Celebrations where part of the celebration required classes to take part in a Cosplay event. So the Siao Gin Nah me and 2 other nerds (i was in the smart-ass class everyone loves to hate) dressed up as Fu, Lu and Shou. With me, being Fu, representing Prosperity. On my left was Lu, symbolizing knowledge. The idiot on my right was playing Shou, for longevity! Needless to say, I was the most handsome yet gay looking guy in the shot!
I remembered that as part of the 'show', I was throwing sweets to the others, but in return for kindness, people threw the sweets back AT me! But... being the God of Fortune, i had to keep that smile going on and endure the nut shots i get!
The other photo was taken while i was in the midst of my Preliminary Exams, the one that i did horribly cuz i studied! It was taken using my friend's old phone at a nearby eatery. So fit then, so fat now... NABEI!!!
Of course, the food there was great! Me being the usual food guru, if you don't see me appearing at a food place more than 3 times, it sucks! don't bother going! Better yet! CHECK MY BLOG EVERYDAY FROM NEXT MONTH ONWARDS AND I'LL INTRODUCE PLACES WITH PHOTOS!!!!
{Siao - See-YA-o
Hokkien for crazy. Exists in two tones. On it's own, it goes down, better known as the 4th tone in Chinese studies. The other tone is adopted when used together with a noun e.g siao gin nah. In this case the tone goes upwards, better known as the 2nd tone.}
{Na Bei - Nah Bay
a shorter term of lin na bei which literally refers to 'your father'. This term is often used as a swear word, much like how others say 'dammit!'}
Warrau Bruce, you actually look good (like really good) in the third photo lor. And you look hot in school uniform. Haha.
Guess it's never coming back huh, with you being the food guru in Thailand. Hur hur.
wa liddat say me... i will eat one unit work out two units!
and of course... i've always looked really good! haha
Right. Right. *starts singing "It's a world of lies and a world of bruff~~"
I'm your most loyal fan here okay.
yeah... u're looking at the wrong blog la... go google for william hung
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