After a spur of the moment kind of thing, together with the added bo liao-ness amidst the chaos inside office (everyone packing up n preparing for the upcoming workshop in Cambodia). I decided to visit my ex-class' photobucket site, and do some photo digging. Here are some photos that I've uncovered, needless to say, they're about me.

This is me trying to be funny during a social etiquette course in school.

This was taken during the school's Homecoming Day carnival... Notice how sunburnt i've became without even realising?

Ah... the classic ''See no Evil, Hear no Evil, Speak no Evil'' pretty cool! The girls saw this photo...

So they tried to copy our pose!
{Bo - Bo
Hokkien Dialect for no/none/negative}
{Bo Liao - Bo Lee-ya-o
Hokkien Dialect for boredom. Singlish has confirmed it's place in all Singaporean's vocabulary regardless of race}
The ones here are just... disappointing. :P
sure... you were super hot when u were in secondary school hor... (i think i've seen ur ez-link before)
Haha. No. I've never said I looked good before hor! Don't personal attack!
lol first time know me ah! =P
Yah, how many times do I know you? Only once what! :P
What happened to you?
er... i became a hunk??? what tokin u lol
So long never update! Unlike Bruso.
've been busy in cambodia ma... wifi oso need to pay so i'm cutting down for now.
Aww man. Look at what you've done to your #01 fan. Haha.
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