Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Song - Astounded. New article too!

Seems about time I should introduce a new song...
It's a whole new genre now.

I've changed the song to Astounded by Bran Van 3000 in the Album 'Discosis'.
The song features voice of Curtis Mayfield, who's never used that vocal piece after recording it in the 70's.

Curtis also had this interesting song called 'superfly' which was about his encounter with a fly in his kitchen which just wouldn't die despite a week of swatting and dodging. In the end he went to get a pesticide only to return finding the fly dead due to natural reasons...(this was taken from a comment in his youtube vid)

Coincidentally Superfly is the name of a retired pro-wrester, Jimmy Snuka.

Enjoy the song.

Also my story on 'Naked Beyond Skin' got published!